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Niche Marketing – Part 2c – SEOQuake and Competition

February 5th, 2012 · Free Stuff, Web Business - Online Marketing Course

In this section, you will be downloading SEOQuake and all will be explained as you read through.   Please read the whole article before you start your research. You’ll understand why I said that near the end. :)

Now that you have your keywords, which consist of two or three words with enough search volume, you need to see what competition you have in trying to get ranked on Google with your keywords.

First, go to the Google main search page and do a search on your keywords to find out how many pages are already on the internet with your keywords. These pages will be your competition.

As an example here, I am going to use “garden furniture”.

Search with the allintitle:”keyword” query. By using the allinitile:”keyword” query it will help to define what your competition is likely to be. (AllinTitle means that when you create articles, you will be putting your keywords in the title, so that they get ranked in Google, otherwise they will never be found.)

Garden furniture has searches of 160 Million … and results in alliniitle:”garden furniture” are 6,370 Million – and that’s way too high.

Niche Marketing

Metal garden furniture has excellent searches of 4,400 … However, allintitle: … returns 112,000 – still much too high.

Traditional garden furniture … excellent with allintitle:: return of 937 but there are only 91 searches a month.

You have to decide if you want to go for that low searched keyword. Is it important to your business?

You have to do this research separately for every single keyword.

All of this takes time and I’ve spend many a day trying to find good keywords.  It even becomes addictive trying to find the right keywords for your articles and posts.

There is another piece of the keyword research puzzle which has to be taken into account of and that is the page one competition. The keyword you selected may not even be possible to get onto page one for the following reason:

  • All the first page PR rankings could be too high.

To find out what each page rank is, you will need be using FireFox browser. Then you will need to download SEOQuake. This is the toolbar which, when you do a search and provided that you have it activated, will give you the details you need to know whether to work with a certain keyword or not.



Note the example above … PR7 – PR4 and PR3

You need to make sure that your keywords will be ranking on pages with some low PR

Had the page rank been high for all the results on the whole page, then it could be too high for you to be able to get a listing without an awful lot of hard work in the way of backlinks.

Your main objective is to find as many good keywords as you can, with the following criteria

  •  You have a good chance of getting them on page one because there are some PR0, PR1 and PR2
  • When searched in allintitle:”keyword”, you get results of hundreds, or even thousands, but keep it in the low thousands, if you can.

As an example, I just did a search on allintitle:”holiday lets london” and got just over 2,000 results and the page ranks on the page included two PR 0’s and other low PR numbers. That is a good keyword to go for.

What I suggest you do is create a spreadsheet with all your keywords and then log the allintitle results and the SEO PR results of the keywords that you will want to use.

When every you write an article in the future, you will  be using only one of these keywords in that article alone.

That is actually a very crucial step because by just going ahead and creating content without using the right keywords, they you will just be wasting your time.  Also, you will be using one of the keywords for your domain.

To summarize

Keywords have to be MEDIUM/HIGH using Phrase Match, at least anything over 700 Please refer back to Niche Marketing Part 2b Keyword Research for specific details.

Competition has to be LOW

PR on a few of the results on Page 1 of Google have to be LOW


Our next step will be buying the domain … the .com :)

Please could you like or share this post because I would like others to know that this free web business course is available for everyone.

Finally do make sure you download Seoquake because it will make your success online so much easier.


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